Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday = Class

Hi again,

I may have mentioned in the past few days that I only have classes one day a week. That day is Thursday. Today is Thursday. I am currently in between class times, so I get to take a little nap or watch YouTube vids. In 40 minutes, I gotta leave and go to my final session of the day, Satzsemantik (Sentence Semantics). I find it somewhat interesting, but sometimes the professor doesn't engage the class. I generally enjoy it though.

My first class of the day was Tendencies of present day german-language poetry. I wouldn't say I generally enjoy sitting in a dark room for an hour and a half, but today's class was kind of interesting. The poet we were covering has a really unorthodox style when she reads her own poetry. In the recordings we listened to, she used strange tones and similarly spelled/sounding words to confuse the audience. Her allusions to Greek Mythology were interesting too.

I grabbed lunch afterward in the cafeteria with two Swedish friends. Scandinavians are by far the coolest people ever. I never described my love for Denmark on here, but one of the best weeks I had this entire year was my week in Esbjerg, DK. I have some Finnish friends, too. I just need to meet some Norwegians now (just kidding, Norwegians are terrible people (kidding again)).

After class, I need to do a little bit of essay writing. The weather will probably determine that, since if it isn't raining, I'm going to be obligated to playing some soccer outside (like everyday). I should probably still try to get in 100 to 200 words to call today productive.

That's it for now. I'm planning my first road trip right now. I'll report on that once the details get more concrete.


AK (27 days left)

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