Monday, July 4, 2011



I am only in Freiburg for one more month. Absolutely insane. I can't believe anything anymore.

The worst part right now is that I am slightly double homesick. Has that ever happened to anyone else? I want to go home sometimes, but I don't actually want to be there. I want to leave Freiburg sometimes, but I don't actually want to leave. It's a strange sensation that quite frankly, makes no sense at all. I guess I want to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

So what am I doing in my last month here? Writing my essay. That's my goal. I have a 12-15 page paper to write before I leave in 30 days. I started yesterday, only 11-14 pages to go! It's a slow process, but gotta work hard now that time is up.

I am stealing an idea from a newly-formed friend of mine who has her own blog. I am going to post small tiny things multiple times a week up until I leave.

In that case, today is July 4th!!! U S A! U S A!
To celebrate, I ate lunch at Subway. Yummy.

Trying to keep it short and sweet

AK (30 days left)

1 comment:

  1. Double homesickness is real... and it sucks. It will be even weirder the first few weeks back from Deutschland. But it gets better. Just don't dwell on where you are at and just enjoy what you are doing and who you are with. Gotta live moment to moment and not think about leaving


    Good luck with the paper Herr Kaiser
