Sunday, July 10, 2011

Party Party Party

Some people say that studying abroad is about partying in a different country. And after the past few hours, I can somewhat confirm that.

I'm not the biggest party-goer in the world, but June-July is the "Sommerfest" schedule. All of the main student living places have their own summer festivals with live music, DJs, soccer tournaments and more.

I live in the Händel-Studentwohnheim, and we had our Sommerfest two weekends ago, but I missed it because I was in Berlin with a friend. Last weekend was the StuSie (Studenten Siedlung (Student Settlement)) Sommerfest. The party was really fun and I got to meet some cool people throughout the day.

Today was the last of the three, Vauban Sommerfest. Vauban is a part of town notorious for their hippie lifestyle and crazy environmental habits. It's the place all the REALLY environmentally friendly people live. Every building has solar panels on the roof and was built to some high "green" standards.

Anyway, I played in the 3 on 3 soccer tournament this afternoon. It was pretty fun, but unfortunately, we didn't perform so well. The team I was on drew 2 games and lost 2, so we didn't move on to the semi-finals. Still had a good time and didn't get all cut up by the gravel like a teammate of mine did.

Just now was the party. I was there for a few hours and had a good time. I hung out with lots of people and just chilled. A pretty good time until it started raining. It's pretty insane how at these big summer parties you run into every single person you have met in Freiburg from every little activity you ever participated in. Mindblowing.

That's all. Tomorrow gotta hit the books and write some pages for my paper. I'm thinking I should write 3-4 pages. That would be awesome!

AK (25 days left)

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